January-May 2021
The Parables of Jesus: The Talents, Tares, and Tears
This week’s parable… The Talents, Tares, and Tears.
Palm Sunday & The Parables of Jesus: Clean and Unclean
This week’s parable… Clean and Unclean. Also Palm Sunday!
The Parable of the Currency of the Kingdom
This week’s parable… The Currency of the Kingdom.
The Parable of the New Wine in Old Wineskins
This week’s parable… New Wine in Old Wineskins.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast
This week’s parable… The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast.
The Parable of the Divided Kingdom
This week’s parable… The Parable of the Divided Kingdom.